Mostly I am dealing whith images which are part of our consciousness, as written or visual truth integrated in individual or society inheritated as communicative memory. This can be observed in everyday life, in rituals or stories (fairytales, legends, …) which are part of our society.

I am trying to gather general obsessions of mankind. Patterns after which we can hide our intimate word but on the other hand participate in them on public level.
Beauty in this content is turning into desire in visible specter, but it is out of reach. This beauty is never discovered but always stays temptation.
In visualization of that content I am choosing different mediums, where the seen image must be irritated and on the same time attractive for a viewer.

“A lot of other things involved with or inner lives are just not being addressed, because they're not the property of any specialized group of people. They exist in each and every one of us. Love and hate and fear, the great themes of birth and death and consciousness, are age-old themes, the fascination of understanding them in a historical context, to see how different cultures dealt with them, solved their equations. They're unsolvable and mysterious in the positive sense that of the world, and therefore life-giving. Something that is not solvable and doesn't have an answer gives life because it propels one to continue with the quest. I get somewhat frustrated that more people aren't thinking of the great themes in life as being in the domain of art.”

(Bill Viola)


alter ‘imagotelling’

Alter 'imagotelling' is an Social-interdisciplinary multimedia-based artistic action that explores the transformations of the fairytale characters in the present visually.

As regards content it follows the trend from tradition to the present and back to the essence of personal identity, developed in relation to the collective social awareness – which can sometimes be a trend attribution (male principle) or traditionally instilled (female principle), or at times a personally chosen principle of the illustration of one’s own essence.

Way to the Elves I – VII 

acrylic on canvas, digital print, silkscreen, thread, epoxy resin; dimensions variable (20 x 20 cm o 24 x 30 cm); 2013


Playing with the Wolf

Playing with the Wolf I - IV
(Little Red Riding Hood),
2014; fabric, thread, acrylic;
60 x 80 cm


Softness of Thorns

The Softness of Thorns I, II
(Sleeping Beauty),
2014; digital print on transparent fabric, epoxy, artificial flowers, acrylic,
90 x 120 cm


Prickling Gentleness

Prickling Gentleness I, III and VI (Sleeping Beauty), 2014; acrylic on canvas, digital print, acrylic; dimensions variable

More Projects



Born on 3rd of February 1979, Slovenia


  • 2011
    Postgraduate M.A. “Art in Context” at the Berlin University of the Arts;  
    Dissertation on “Mind-fictions in conversations about the Arts” (Theory of Cultural Education and Art Mediation / Museum Pedagogy, Artistic Expression)
  • 2008 - 10
    Institute for Art in Context, Berlin University of the Arts
  • 2007
    Master's thesis,  MFA,  Academy of Fine Arts and Design of the University of Ljubljana (Mentors: Prof. Gorenc, Prof. Barši, Prof. Vogelnik, Prof. Brejc)
  • 2006 - 07
    Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig, Postgraduate Studies, Mentor Prof. Joachim Blank, Media Art
  • 2004 - 06
    Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana, Postgraduate Studies,  Painting
  • June 2004
    Diploma in Painting; Thesis subject Subtle Erotism: “Love of hearts”
  • 2003 / 2004
    Student exchange program at the Academy of Visual Arts in Munich
  • 1999 - 2003
    Academy of Fine Arts and Design of the University of Ljubljana, Study Program Painting

Awards/ Scholarships:

  • 2014
    Art scholarship, Ministry of Culture
    2007 - 08
    Ministry of Culture; Institute for Art in Context, Berlin University of the Arts
    2007 - 08
    DAAD scholarship for development of a project (Institute for Art in Context, Berlin University of the Arts; W. Knapp)
  • 2007
    Gesellschafter Art Award; art-fair 21, Köln (finalist) (Germany)
  • 2006
    Essl Art Award (nominee)
  • 2003
    Prešeren Graphic Award for Students

Projects – Selection:

  • 2014-2015
    Solo exhibition Le sacre du printemps (Kurator: Andrej Medved), Banka Koper (Slovenia)
  • 2014
    Group exhibition First generations in the 3rd Millennium (Kurator: Andrej Medved), Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana (Slovenia)
  • 2014
    Group exhibition in the Gallery Murska Sobota and Coast Gallery (Slovenia)
  • 2013
    Group exhibition in the Hotel Obir in Bad Eisenkappel, installation Found in the Woods, Bad Eisenkappel (Austria)
  • 2012
    Group exhibition in the Gallery Vprega, Bad Eisenkappel (Austria) Solo exhibition Onkraj kristalne odeje in the Gallery Ante Trstenjak in Ljutomer (Slovenia)
  • 2011
    Art museum exhibition “…. Side XX” at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Berlin (Germany)
    Raumschiff Yugoslawien; Group research projects; Gallery NGBK in Berlin (Germany)
  • 2010
    Art project A/DO/PT Art with Naomi Hennig; Moscow International Biennial for Young Art; “Qui Vive?”, (Russia)
    Costruct-Constructed, Spinnerei Leipzig, Universal Cube, Halle 14, Leipzig
  • 2009
    Quoting Contemporariness; Spinnerei Leipzig, Universal Cube, Halle 14, Leipzig (Germany)
  • 2009
    Summer, suggestions for a permanent collection, Art Gallery in Maribor (Slovenia)
  • 2009
    Biennial of Graphic Arts, International Centre of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana (Slovenia)
  • 2009
    In between; Gallery T40 in Düsseldorf, Weisser Elefant, Berlin (Germany)
  • 2008
    Miami Bridge Art Fair, Miami, Gallery T40 in Düsseldorf, Miami
Setting herself free II (Snow White)
Architect Matej Gašperič, Studio Nova Showroom (Andreja Krivošič), Gallery Ažbe, exhibition MUZE, Gallery sloArt, Month of design

Art education / Art management

In 2010 she completed her post-graduate studies at the Art in Context Institute, Universität der Künste Berlin (MA) with the graduation thesis: Denkfiktionen im Sprechen über Kunst/ Mind Fictions When Talking about Art (Theory of cultural education and visual art outreach).  Since 2006, she has continuously developed art outreach projects at different institutions: 2008, the Janez Levec Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Bachmanngymnasium Klagenfurt, Volksschule Bleiburg, Hauptschule Bleiburg, Austria; 2009  cooperation with Arbeitskreis "dabei" des Lokalen Bündnis für Familie Schwerte,  Germany; developing projects at different special education schools; 2008-09, the Collecting Sarajevo project at the Kunst im Kontext Institute in cooperation with Museumsakademie Joanneum in Graz (Austria) and the Goethe-Institut Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina; 2009, art outreach programme accompanying the exhibition entitled 2+1, a programme for children; 2009-10, the 19 Freiheiten interdisciplinary project; developing fine arts workshops with lawyers, teachers, sociologists and artists; 2010, preparing two (out of five) art outreach projects for the Sixth Berlin Biennial: Mein lokales Modell for children and Resonazessen for adults;

May 2011, developed an educational programme entitled O-TIPLJIVO for the blind in cooperation with the blind photographer and theoretician Evgen Bavčar, Maribor Art Gallery; June 2011, carried out a museum-style exhibition Seite XX at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Berlin, Germany; in collaboration with the Museum of Contemporary History and Franc Miklošič  grammar school from Ljutomer; which is a member of the Spaceship Jugoslawien working group and KOA representative; NGBK Berlin Gallery; arts education programme developer How to Start, an art outreach programme, for Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana; developed programme CO-operate (EU, ESS fonds), Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana

In 2013/2014 author and programme leader of project AKTIV ((EU, ESS fonds), Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana). From 2014 founder and programme leader of Creative Buroeau Cooperate (Zavod Ustvarjalna Pisarna SOdelujem)

Ustvarjalna Pisarna SOdelujem / Creative Buroeau COoperate (Founder, Programme leader)

Art Education

6. Berlin Biennale



Education trought Art

19. Freiheiten

Curatorial/ Education/ Museums – Galeries

Galerija NGBK Berlin, Raumschiff Jugoslawien

Kunsthalle Berlin, Collecting Sarajevo

Moscow International Biennale for Young Art, Gallery Cheryomushki

A/DO/PT Art, Moscow International Biennale for Young Art; »Que Vive«, Russia (with Naomi Hennig)


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